Home » Kingdom Business Inc. Slams MOH over Alleged Procurement Interference | News

Kingdom Business Inc. Slams MOH over Alleged Procurement Interference | News

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kingdom Business Inc., Mr. L. Swansey Fallah, has voiced strong frustration over what he describes as interference in the procurement process at the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Fallah alleges that top officials of the ruling Unity Party-led government have manipulated the bidding process at MOH, awarding contracts to companies of their preference without adhering to the rightful procurement procedures.

Speaking to the media recently, Fallah disclosed that two major projects the upgrade of the Boe-Waterside Health Center Civic Work in Grand Cape Mount County and the construction of the Mental Health Hospital, including the completion of the Ministry of Health Partners Building were awarded to American Eagle Construction Company and Interior Perspective LLC outside the legally mandated bidding process.

He emphasized that his company has submitted multiple complaints to Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto and the Executive Director of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC), but no action has been taken due to reported lobbying by senior officials within MOH.

Mr. Fallah further alleged that during a site visit to the project location, Assistant Minister for Administration Richard D. Kollie provided an official government vehicle to personnel of Interior Perspective LLC, a move he termed as a clear conflict of interest and a violation of procurement regulations. When questioned, Minister Kollie reportedly justified the action by stating that Interior Perspective LLC lacked transportation.

Kingdom Business Inc. had requested that MOH’s Procurement Unit provide a notification of intent to award following the completion of the evaluation process. However, in response, KBI was informed that its low evaluation score of 97.89 out of 100 was due to the absence of a site foreman certificate in its submission, an explanation Mr. Fallah strongly disputes.

Expressing doubts over the integrity of the bidding process, he claimed that Interior Perspective LLC received preferential treatment from MOH.

Kingdom Business Inc. is one of Liberia’s leading construction firms, boasting over 25 earth-moving equipment, and a track record of implementing more than 50 government and non-government projects.

Despite repeated attempts, the Ministry of Health could not be reached for comment at the time of publication.