

by smartnews

MONROVIA – The Secretary General of Liberia’s former ruling party, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Jefferson Tamba Koijee, has sharply criticized the current Unity Party administration, accusing it of turning Liberia into a “plantation massacre” since taking power in January 2024. His remarks came during a press conference held at the CDC headquarters on Thursday, July 4, 2024, where he addressed recent statements made by the Minister of Information Culture and Tourism, Jerolinmek Matthew Piah.

Koijee’s comments were a direct response to Minister Piah’s claim that four auditors were killed under the CDC-led government. Koijee rebuked these statements as a distortion of reality, asserting that state security actions under the Unity Party now threaten the lives of ordinary citizens.

“You succeeded in lying your way to power that four auditors were killed here. We will not do the same because we are not desperate for power, evident by the fact that we turned power over to you peacefully. But the evidence of how you have turned this country into a plantation and massacre is taking place everywhere remains irrefutable,” Koijee said.

The CDC Chief Scribe’s remarks were also a retort to Minister Piah’s recent comments directed at former President George Weah, where Piah warned, “Former President Weah should conduct himself properly or we will go after him.” Koijee contrasted the current administration’s treatment of civil servants with that of the previous CDC government, claiming that under the Unity Party, civil servants are being deprived of their livelihoods and, in some cases, losing their lives for standing up for their rights.

“You said we made civil servants beggars during the CDC-led government. Granted that your characterization of those Liberians is true, at least beggars had freedom and they were not killed. Today, motorcyclists are being deprived of the freedom to fend for their families. Ordinary Liberians are being killed for no reason. Workers are losing their lives at the hands of state security officers solely because they stood up for their just benefits. Liberians are being treated like slaves because you have arrogated on to yourself the status of slave masters and Liberia is your plantation. You have turned the country into a plantation where people are being slaughtered and killed,” he maintained.

Koijee vowed that the CDC would not remain passive while what he described as “political desperadoes” continued to terrorize the Liberian people. He stressed that the Unity Party had signed a social contract with the citizens of Liberia and that the CDC would hold them accountable to the terms of that agreement. “Anything on the contrary will not be countenanced,” Koijee stressed.

Addressing the recently concluded “militant day” event, Koijee expressed appreciation for the resilience of CDC partisans who continue to face challenges for their political affiliation. He announced plans to observe a “national martyr day” to honor CDC partisans who have lost their lives over the years, praising the success of the June 28-30, 2024, event and the involvement of ordinary party members.

He concluded by emphasizing that the event showcased the CDC’s determination to rebound from setbacks and reinforce its base, signaling a strong comeback in the political arena.

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