

by smartnews

Several heavy duty printing machines from the Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) in Hunan, People’s Republic of China on Monday, 24 June 2024 were handover to the University of Liberia through the Confucius Institute’s Department of Chinese Language and Culture, Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Liberia.

The heavy duty printing machines were on Monday informally presented to Associate Professor Dr. Josephus M. Gray, Dean of the Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities by the Director of the Confucius Institute, Assistant Professor Dexter Sumo and the Coordinator of the institute. At the appropriate time the donations will be formally be handover to the authorities of the institute with appropriate program befitting the occasion.

The printing machines included a color digital printing machine (Fuji Xerox versant 180), one color digital printing machine (Fuji Xerox versant 1701), four black and white digital printing machines (Ricoh Pro 7503EX), two Epson printer L15158, paper cutting machines (Pentax5399T), one cementing machine (HPL H3), one laminating machine (Sene1 390) and one creasing machine (Dumor 331) valued about US$400,000.

It was behind- the scenes work of the tenure of the presidency of Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson lead to the donation of the heavy duty high quality printing machines.

Receiving the machines on behalf of the President of the University of Liberia,  the ACS College Dean, Prof. Dr. Josephus Gray thanked the administration of the Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) and the people of Hunan, China for much needed donations of China’s aid to UL. Dr. Gray pays special honor to the Prof. Dr.  Nelson for the leadership to help negotiate the donation of the high quality printing machines.  It was behind- the scenes work of the tenure of the presidency of Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson that leads to the donation of the heavy duty high quality printing machines.

According to Dr. Gray, the printing machines are necessary and greatly needed by the institution to address the urgent printing need of the school.

On behalf of UL administration, Dr. Gray expressed heartfelt gratitude to CSUST and the great people of China for the generous donations to University Liberia. He added that education is a good investment because it provides many opportunities and informed society.

Dr. Gray noted that the donation will play a crucial role in enabling the professors, instructors, lecturers, staffs, students and administrators to publish high-quality research works including peer reviewed articles and books.

The Institute was established at the University of Liberia in 2008 to teach Liberian students Chinese Language and Culture. The school is hosted in the Graduate School Building on the Capitol Hill Campus, while the Department of Chinese Language and Culture is situated in the Amos C. Sawyer College. The institute is headed by Prof. Dexter Sumo as Director.

According to the ACS College Dean, the printing machines will help to address the dire need for printing press at the institution, adding that we hoped that our faculty members and students will be reawakened to the possibilities for positive change that exist in the inteectual environment and warned against envy and pettiness and constant bickering, instead promotion of values and positive norms that move society forward.

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