

by Socrates Smythe Saywon

MONROVIA – The state of Liberia’s roads, particularly those leading to the southeastern region, has long been a source of frustration and hardship for citizens. Year after year, the roads remain in deplorable condition, impeding the movement of vehicles and pedestrians alike, especially during the rainy season when they become nearly impassable. Despite numerous promises by successive governments, little has been done to alleviate the plight of southeastern residents.

This issue has come into sharp focus once again, drawing the attention of Eddie D. Jarwolo, Executive Director of NAYMOTE-Liberia, who has publicly criticized the lack of progress. On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, Jarwolo shared his concerns on social media, posting photos of children struggling in the mud as they attempted to pull vehicles from the treacherous roads.

“Good morning to my village people,” Jarwolo began in his post. “No one chooses his/her country of birth; these kids are victims of bad road conditions and could be seeking survival by pulling vehicles out of the mud due to poor governance or neglect.”

His comments were not just a critique of the roads but of the larger issue of governance and the failure of leaders to address basic infrastructure needs. Jarwolo highlighted the specific challenge of traveling from Greenville in Sinoe County to ITI, a journey that now takes 10 to 12 hours due to the poor condition of the roads. He urged the Liberian government, particularly the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to take responsibility and create the necessary environment for the people to thrive. “The government must serve the people,” he concluded, adding, “Democracy must deliver… stand up for democracy.”

Jarwolo’s post resonated with many Liberians, including journalist and political analyst Jallah Grayfield, who commended him for speaking out. Grayfield, reflecting on the situation, expressed disappointment over the lack of progress under successive administrations, including the current government under President Joseph Boakai.

“Eddie D. Jarwolo, thanks for the survey,” Grayfield wrote in response. “Our country has been lagging behind for so many decades compared with others in the region. Government comes and goes, and the same problems persist, but ten months into the so-called ‘rescue government,’ all they promised has resulted in zero success.”

Grayfield’s remarks also touched on the broader issue of how criticism of government is received, noting the hypocrisy in how some supporters react. “When you critiqued the Weah government, they were dancing and praising your entity,” Grayfield pointed out. “Now you do the same to them [the current government], and they’re cussing you out. What went wrong with the 21 million that our people in the southeast are still cut off? What crimes have they committed to be treated this way?”

This frustration reflects a wider sentiment among southeastern Liberians, who had high expectations for former President George Weah, a native of the southeast, specifically Grand Kru County. Many believed that Weah, more than any of his predecessors, would address the region’s infrastructural woes. Yet, during his administration, the roads remained in terrible condition, and the promises to improve them went unfulfilled.

Political commentators argue that corruption and mismanagement lie at the heart of the problem. According to some, the institutionalized corruption in the current ruling Unity Party, which came to power under the banner of the “Rescue Mission,” is a major barrier to development. Instead of channeling resources to vital projects such as road infrastructure, funds have been squandered or misappropriated, leaving southeastern residents to suffer the consequences.

The outcry from Jarwolo and others stresses the urgent need for real, tangible change. For decades, southeastern Liberia has been neglected, its people left to endure the punishing conditions of bad roads, with little hope for improvement. As calls for accountability grow louder, the government must confront the failures of the past and finally prioritize the development of the region’s critical infrastructure.

Until that happens, the southeastern roads will remain a glaring symbol of Liberia’s struggle with governance, neglect, and corruption.

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