Home » Fish Town hospital ambulance driver disappears

Fish Town hospital ambulance driver disappears

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The sudden disappearance of Emmanuel Tweh has raised serious concerns about hospital staff as his whereabouts remain unknown.

By: Isaiah K Nyenpan. 

Fish Town, River Gee, October 4, 2024/On September 2, 2024, a significant event took place involving Emmanuel Tweh, a member of the Fish Town Referral Hospital team.

Emmanuel, accompanied by the Procurement Officer, the Medical Director, and other officials, left the hospital premises to head for Monrovia. According to Mr. Desmond Campbell, the hospital’s Administrator, this trip was crucial for procuring essential medical supplies that the hospital urgently needed.

Upon their arrival in Monrovia, Emmanuel Tweh and the team successfully purchased the first batch of materials for the hospital, returning on September 11, 2024. This initial procurement was vital for the hospital to enhance its medical capabilities and improve the care provided to patients in Fish Town and surrounding areas.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn shortly after that. On September 15, Emmanuel departed again for Monrovia, this time in the company of Dr. Wawaku. They entered the capital city the same day and further discussed the hospital’s needs and supplies.

During this visit, the Medical Director conveyed to Emmanuel the plan for their return to River Gee County, scheduled for September 19, 2024. The Administrator, Mr. Campbell, reiterated this timeline, emphasizing the importance of returning promptly to manage the supplies and continue their work at the hospital.

On the Saturday before their scheduled return, the Medical Director contacted Emmanuel, urging him to gather the materials for the trip back. Unfortunately, Emmanuel reported feeling unwell and decided to seek medical attention at a local clinic in Monrovia. The diagnosis he received concerned taphouse, a term that refers to a range of illnesses, potentially indicating a serious health issue.

The Medical Director, recognizing the change in plans, suggested they secure their materials and delay their return until Sunday. However, Emmanuel failed to show up the next day, raising alarm bells for the Administrator.

On Monday, September 21, Mr. Campbell expected the team to return to River Gee County. When they did not appear, he immediately contacted the Medical Director to inquire about their whereabouts. The Medical Director explained that since Saturday, they had been unable to reach Emmanuel, which prompted them to express their concerns.

In an effort to gather more information, the Administrator contacted Emmanuel’s wife. She confirmed that she had not heard from her husband since he called to say he had arrived in Monrovia on the 15th. This lack of communication heightened the worry for both his family and colleagues.

Adding to the uncertainty, the hospital’s chief driver, Mr. Emmanuel Yeah, later informed Mr. Campbell that he had managed to speak with Emmanuel. According to the driver, Emmanuel claimed to be well and assured them not to worry, yet his absence persisted.

On September 25, Mr. Campbell checked Emmanuel’s online presence on Messenger. Upon reaching out, he discovered that Emmanuel was in Grand Bassa County, searching for a job. This revelation was surprising, considering that he was now expected back at the hospital. Mr. Campbell pressed him about the hospital vehicle, which Emmanuel stated he still had with him.

Frustration mounted as Emmanuel indicated that he would not return to the hospital and suggested that the Medical Director find another driver to retrieve the ambulance. Mr. Campbell, taken aback by this response, implored him to return the car, stressing its importance for the hospital’s operations. Emmanuel’s attitude suggested a significant change in his commitment to his role at the hospital. 

The situation took a more concerning turn when Emmanuel expressed his weariness with the job. Mr. Campbell tried to coax more information from him, but Emmanuel indicated he would share more details later that evening. This promise of communication, however, never materialized. Instead, Emmanuel’s silence continued, further alarming his colleagues.

The lack of response from Emmanuel led to increased anxiety among the hospital staff and administration. With no sign of him and no explanation for his sudden behavior change, the situation escalated to the point where it was deemed necessary to involve law enforcement.

The case of Emmanuel Tweh has been officially reported to the Liberia National Police in Fish Town City. The ongoing investigation aims to uncover the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, the sudden shift in priorities, and his last known whereabouts.


The timeline of events surrounding Emmanuel Tweh’s disappearance reflects a series of alarming developments that have left his colleagues and family in distress. What began as a routine procurement mission quickly spiraled into an unsettling situation marked by health issues, lack of communication, and a concerning change in Emmanuel’s intentions.

The community of Fish Town and the staff at the Fish Town Referral Hospital are anxiously awaiting updates, hoping for Emmanuel’s safe return and clarity about the circumstances that led to this troubling situation. The involvement of law enforcement underscores the seriousness of the matter as authorities strive to piece together the events that transpired in the days leading to Emmanuel’s disappearance.

Health services are critical for the well-being of the community, and the hospital’s team must navigate this crisis while continuing to serve their patients. The hope remains that Emmanuel Tweh will be found and that the reasons behind his sudden departure will come to light, allowing everyone involved to address the issues and restore normalcy to their operations. -Edited by Othello B. Garblha

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