Home » GAC Retires Nine Employees

GAC Retires Nine Employees


The General Auditing Commission (10) has retired nine of its employees after meeting the required benchmark for full retirement.

The brief ceremony, held in the Conference Room of the GAC, brought together the honorees, their family members, Senior Management and other staff of the Commission.

The formal occasion followed months of engagements with the Human Resource Unit where appropriate information and procedures regarding their retirement were discussed to ensure a smooth departure from the walls of the GAC.

Bidding the honorees farewell, Liberia’s Auditor General, Hon. P. Garswa Jackson, Sr. lauded the nine employees for their selfless contributions to the success of the GAC and reminded them that their legacy will be remembered.

The AG resaid, “At Retirement programs, there is usually mixed emotions and excitement and with this, it reminds us that some of your colleagues didn’t have the opportunity you have today, because they either resigned, were sacked or died, we appreciate you for your services to the GAC.

Speaking on behalf of the honorees, Former Corporate IT Manager, Henry Nyain, lauded the GAC and its Senior Management team for the level of courtesy given them throughout the Retirement process up to the ceremony today. “We are grateful to have worked for the GAC and we extend our profound gratitude to Management and appreciate the manner and form the retirement exercise was conducted and now, we are well positioned to leave because of the engagements with us”, he asserted.

The honorees, most of whom have served the GAC for around thirteen to fifteen years, were presented individual awards recounting their services to the GAC over the years.

Those honored and retired are Henry L. Nyain, Sylvester G. Guah, J. Momolu Ballie, S. Clifford Kai, Sr, and Francis H. Nyanti. Others are, Mardea G. Nelson, Lawrence Morwake, Randolph H. Wilson and Charles K. Mulbah.

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