Home » Gbarnga’s New Market Gets Operational Next Month | Business

Gbarnga’s New Market Gets Operational Next Month | Business

by lnn

— County authorities disclose launch of health, sanitation initiatives

The Superintendent of Bong County and the Office of the Mayor of Gbarnga have disclosed that the newly dedicated Gbarnga Central Market will become operational in the latter part of next month.

Though officially dedicated on June 19, 2024, and should have been opened to sellers and buyers, the local authorities have deferred its official opening to the public due to some technical issues that prompted Vice President Jeremiah Koung, who supervises markets across the country, to request an extension.

“The new market will be officially operational after July 29, 2024, based on the request from His Excellency Jeremiah Kpan Koung, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia,” a statement from the office of the Superintendent stated.

The state-of-the-art new market, constructed with funding from the Government of Japan, aims to boost economic growth and support local entrepreneurs in the region. It will provide a conducive environment for traders and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services, promoting economic activities and enhancing growth of small business, the statement, signed by Pastor Christian G. Kangboe, Media Officer for the county, said.

“The market will serve as a hub for economic activities, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting the growth of small businesses in the region. We want to be thankful to the Japanese government for this marketplace that is indeed a facelift for the County,” the statement said.

Additionally, a series of health and sanitation initiatives will be launched alongside the market opening, focusing on promoting hygiene, waste management, and health education for residents and marketers.

“In conjunction with the opening of the new marketplace, the Superintendent and the Mayor are also proud to launch a series of health and sanitation initiatives specifically tailored for the marketers beginning with your current location,” the statement noted. “Recognizing the importance of maintaining hygiene and ensuring the well-being of our citizens, these initiatives will focus on promoting cleanliness, enhancing waste management systems, and providing educational programs on health practices.”

In collaboration with the Center for Healthcare Education, Research, and Innovation (CHERI), programs such as preventive health, wellness initiatives, and a School Health Program will be implemented to improve health outcomes and access to medical resources for the community.

“Through the instrumentality of Ambassador Thomas Hne Grant, Ambassador at Large for Investments, for the State of Delaware and the Americas, the offices of the Superintendent and Mayor have established a partnership with CHERI for the establishment of a preventive health program to reduce death and dying in the County, most especially amongst the most vulnerable,” the local authorities disclosed. 

“This relationship also extends to schools, Pem-Pem and Keh-Keh drivers and, for the first time in this region, a formal School Health Program and a wellness program have been established. These programs include health screenings and literacy programs, through the use of a telemedicine app called, ownUrHealtH.”

This move, the authorities added, is most important because early detection of health issues can help prevent the spread of diseases and ensure prompt medical interventions as needed.

“This collaboration with C.H.E.R.I. and local health authorities ensures that the marketers, school students, Pem-Pem and Keh-Keh drivers have access to expert medical advice, resources, and support, digitally, to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment in the county. This will enhance their knowledge, promote good health practices, and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.”

This partnership underscores the commitment to preventive healthcare and well-being for all residents of Bong County.

The joint efforts of the Superintendent, the Mayor, and local authorities demonstrate their dedication to sustainable development and the improvement of residents’ quality of life, aligning with President Joseph N. Boakai’s ARREST Agenda.

Stakeholders and community members are acknowledged for their support in realizing these initiatives, which aim to enhance the county’s economic and social landscape. More information and details can be provided by representatives from the local governance offices upon request.


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