Home » Lberia: Senator Amara Konneh Criticizes Fellow Senators for ‘Undemocratic’ Nighttime Passage of FY2024 Recast Budget

Lberia: Senator Amara Konneh Criticizes Fellow Senators for ‘Undemocratic’ Nighttime Passage of FY2024 Recast Budget

by lnn

According to Senator Konneh, the recast budget passed is not credible and transparent.

Monrovia –The chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Liberian Senate, Amara Konneh, has scolded his fellow colleagues for the “undemocratic budget vote” which led to the night time passage of the recast budget for Fiscal Year 2024 in the wake of questionable allocations pointing to alleged shady deals or corruption.

 By Obediah Johnson, [email protected]

Around 7PM on Monday, majority members of the Liberian Senate voted in favor of the “yea” vote to pass the country’s national budget at US$738.8 million amid unresolved issues and concerns from few of their colleagues.

This recast budget lacks transparency and credibility. How can we oversee the passage of a non-transparent budget after the previous alteration scandal? Are we committed to good governance, or have we given up on our country? The current hardships in the country fall far short of my expectations, including those of my friends who supported change, the voters in Gbarpolu County who sent me to the Senate and the rest of the country who voted for change.

Senator Amara Konneh, Gbarpolu County and Chairman, Public Accounts Committee

Their action stemmed from the submission of a report from the Conference Committee setup to scrutinize the financial document.

But in a statement released in Monrovia on Tuesday, September 24, Senator Konneh termed as “undemocratic” the voting process which characterized the passage of the recast budget.

According to him, the recast budget passed is not credible and transparent.

“Last night, chaos erupted during the Liberian Senate’s budget proceedings due to an undemocratic budget vote. I want to emphasize that I did not support the recast budget. Although I couldn’t influence the final language of the total Government of Liberia recast budget bill, it’s crucial for me to convey to my constituents and all Liberians that my vote reflects my fundamental beliefs.”

Senator Konneh pointed out that along with other Senators; he left the session to demonstrate his dedication to upholding democratic processes, principles, and transparent governance.

US$1.7m unexplained

He emphasized that his decision to walk out of the session in opposition to supporting the recast budget was due to the lack of transparency and credibility in allocating US$1.7 million for ‘other Compensation and Liabilities.’ 

“It would benefit the Liberian people to understand who the funds are being paid to and for what specific services. Additionally, providing information on the nature of the liabilities, how they were incurred, and by whom would help to address any concerns.”

According to him, the Executive reduced the health sector allocation in the recast, sparking protests from some Senators. 

However, he observed that the Legislature’s Conference Committee, set up by the Speaker and Pro Tempore, Fonati Koffa and Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence took steps to reallocate restored health funding to health centers in Bassa, Bong, Nimba, and Montserrado, at the time hospitals and health centers in Western Liberia – Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu Counties – have only received about 10% of their allocated funds since September 5, 2024.

“For example, the Emirates Hospital in Gbarpolu has only received $37,000. In contrast, the other 14 health centers in six districts have received only $50,000 collectively, averaging approximately $3,571 for nine months of operation.

This situation is the same in the southeastern region. It is deeply concerning and requires urgent attention to ensure adequate support for these essential healthcare facilities.”

Challenging education sector

Senator Konneh maintained that most primary and secondary schools in Liberia have reopened, but they currently face challenges in providing quality education. 

He claimed that there is a lack of benches, instructional materials, and, in some cases, teachers. 

He added that the Executive Branch initially proposed cuts to education funding in the recast, which caused concern in the Senate. 

Senator Konneh added that after protests by Senators, the legislature, however, restored the cuts. 

Selective restoration

Senator Konneh emphasized that it is essential to consider the impact of the proposed cuts on the agriculture, energy, and environment sectors. 

He noted that these sectors play a critical role in food security and fueling the economy, and cutting their funding could have negative consequences. 

“For example, defunding the energy sector could limit the ability of organizations like the Liberia Electricity Corporation and the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency to provide stable and affordable electricity, which is essential for supporting businesses and households and increasing domestic revenues. This could lead to increased challenges for businesses and families, potentially resulting in a greater reliance on imported foods and generators that pollute the environment.”

He continued: “It’s important to consider the potential long-term effects of these proposed cuts carefully.”

Senator Konneh pointed out that these issues require immediate attention. 

Lives at risk

He observed that without adequate access to essential medicines, more lives are at risk. 

He added that many children cannot attend public schools due to a lack of resources, and their families cannot afford private education and as such, “addressing these challenges and ensuring inclusive and equitable development for all our constituents is essential.”

Budget lacks transparency, credibility

“This recast budget lacks transparency and credibility. How can we oversee the passage of a non-transparent budget after the previous alteration scandal? Are we committed to good governance, or have we given up on our country? The current hardships in the country fall far short of my expectations, including those of my friends who supported change, the voters in Gbarpolu County who sent me to the Senate and the rest of the country who voted for change.”

Senator Konneh  noted that nine months have passed, and the government has yet to fully emerge from hibernation. 

According to him, citizens are increasingly expressing a sense of subdued disappointment and frustration. 

Breaking the jinx

The latest outburst from Senator Konneh could make him uneven with the leadership and majority members of the Liberian Senate.

It may also lead to mixed feelings between him and several others, especially Senators representing their respective counties on the Ways, Means, Finance and Budget Committee of that August Body.

At the National Legislature, it is almost like a taboo to openly speak against or criticize your colleagues for actions that have been taken by the Plenary.

The Plenary is the highest decision making body of both Houses.

Lawmakers feeling disenchanted about the manner and form in which actions or votes were taken in favor of a participating legislation or issue are made to “swallow the bitter pills” or may be threatened by some of their colleagues with either suspension or expulsion for speaking against their decision.

Though the stance taken by Senator Konneh to openly voice out his dissatisfaction over the manner and form in which the Senate is proceeding by checkmating may be embraced by many citizens, the majority of his colleagues could see it differently.

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