Home » Letter to God: Lord, is this now a “House of Cards”?

Letter to God: Lord, is this now a “House of Cards”?

by lnn

Dear Father:

You know, for the last few months, our chiefs at the Traditional Council have been busy trying to remove their Paramount Chief. Some say, they want to move him because he na want to play ball, others say, ley man can’t act like society man, so him mon go.

But ley man too say, him na going anywhere. But ley man da Kru man na. Ley way Kru people get hard hay. Da small pepper they put in da boy noise.

Aah, da lay thing sef there.

But Father, leh put all joke aside, this thing ay serious ooh. They people na turn our Traditional Council into a House of Cards?

Tell me something!

Yes, oh Father. Do you know that ley Footballer people thought they wor going to sacrifice ley Paramount chief, because they say ley man da na their own man?

So, they went to do their math na, they say for ley sake of the Kountry Giant return in 2029, ley Paramount chief being there will put sand in their gari. So, ley best thing to do was to remove him and put him deputy paramount chief there who is from their camp.

Now, while they were doing this, they went in bed with ley Oldman children them, not knowing say one of ley Oldman sons was being prepared to take over as Paramount chief.

Now, you na see ley way power is playing? So, everybody was playing everybody, until boom! Ley Footballer children come to know say that all ley thing them they were doing was to put ley Oldman son in power.

Da where ley Footballer children them having ley problem na. They know say they na come too far to go back. 

So, to make things happen quick, quick, ley Papay na step inside-him say ley Paramount chief mon resign.

You say whatin!

Father, da benny seed popping in my mouth! Ley people doing everything to make sure da hard hay Kru man move from there.

What they na do?

Father, haven’t you heard da they na remove all ley Blue Uniform people them from around him?

You joking!

Father da na joke ooh. They say even ley Papay and him people them say da ley Chief them who want remove ley Paramount Chief they want to do business with.

Ley other night, ley Papay na go call ley man to him official residence stopping place just to tell him to resign?

You say whatin?

Da Fire, be sitting down there let people be lying to you da ley Papay innocent-puaah because he can act like slow poison?

They say ley Papay say, he na wan work with this Paramount Chief, he wan him own Paramount Chief.

The other day, they mon come go to ley Palavar Hut again. Ley Elder them say, all ley thing them ley chief them doing to remove their Paramount Chief ay wrong.

The next week, ley Papay say, da their own they talking, all him know, he na wan see this man as Paramount Chief-ley man mon resign.

Da lie!

Father, da na joke oo. Ley Papay say, him people say, they wan ley Paramount Chief job for their party so anything they say that what him will go bye-see trouble.

So, what happen to ley people from ley Footballer camp na?

Father, ley people from ley Footballer camp na stick in ley middle. Shame na grab them. So, to put up some dry face, they say, they na suspend their man.

And all this one, ley Kru man say he na going nowhere.  Da Kru man hay hard like iron rock. Oh, you na hear ley thing him say ehn. Him say if they leh, they mon move all him security them, all him know, him still Paramount chief.

Hmm, da na small thing happening in your village oo.

Yes, oh, Father. But ley thing here is, ley people na know Kru man. Ley people hay so hard da during ley slave trade, ley slave owner them used to make announcement and say-they mon na bring Kru man because ley Kru people use to bear gee on ley ship and make all ley other slave them to bear gee too.

So, ley only way they had peace was to put ley Kru man in charge on him friend them-da how ley started playing their guitar them and today we have highlife music.

You can play with Kru man?

Father da na joke ooh-ley people hay hard.

But ley Oldman too ya, him na see nobody to go mess with but Kru man…

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