Sanniquellie – ArcelorMittal Liberia, a major mining company operating in Nimba County, has filed a lawsuit against K-SARNOR and Brother INC, a scrap-buying company headed by Khalifa Sanoe. The company is seeking $47,500 in damages after accusing the scrap dealer of removing 48 train buckets from its railroad in Gbendin Town along the Ganta-Sanniquellie Highway in District #2.
By Franklin Doloquee, [email protected]
According to court documents obtained by FrontPage Africa, the case was filed at the Sanniquellie Magisterial Court on December 23, 2024. The scrap company is facing charges of theft of property, criminal conspiracy, criminal facilitation, and criminal mischief.
Court Allegations
The complaint from ArcelorMittal alleges that on the 23rd day of December 2024, in Gbendin Town, KM 214, Nimba County, Republic of Liberia, the defendants, K-SARNOR and Brother INC, owned by Mr. Kalifala Sanoe, knowingly, purposely, and without any legal authority, conspired, facilitated, and removed ArcelorMittal Liberia’s scrap materials from the railroad. The materials, including 48 train buckets valued at $47,500, were allegedly loaded onto two trucks and taken without permission.
The accused the K-SARNOR of “Theft of Property, Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Facilitation and Criminal Mischief” adding the alleged crimes are in violation the New Penal Code of Liberia.
Defense from K-SARNOR and Brother INC
In response, K-SARNOR and Brother INC told FrontPage Africa that they had an agreement with the Nimba County administration to purchase scrap materials from Tonwee Town along the Ganta-Sanniquellie Highway. They claim they were acting in accordance with the agreement when they were arrested.
FrontPage Africa has obtained documents detailing an agreement between the Nimba County administration and K-SARNOR and Brother INC. Additionally, an official pass signed by Nimba County Superintendent Kou Meapeh Gono authorized the scrap company to operate without interference from security personnel and others in the area.
Community Scrutiny
Local sources revealed that the disputed scrap materials amount to 131 tons. At $75 per ton, the total value is $9,825, which citizens of Tonwee Town are reportedly entitled to receive from the sale of the scrap.
However, aggrieved residents of District #8 in Nimba County are now demanding accountability from Superintendent Gono and District #8 Representative Saye Sylvester Mianah. They want clarity on the proceeds from the sale of scrap materials in their district.
Superintendent’s Silence
Repeated attempts, including calls and text messages, to reach Superintendent Gono for her comments have been unsuccessful. Residents are growing increasingly frustrated by the lack of transparency surrounding the matter.
As the case unfolds, both ArcelorMittal and K-SARNOR and Brother INC remain at odds over the legality of the scrap removal, with the court set to determine the outcome.