Home » Liberia: Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia Accuse Government ‘Rascals and Opportunists’ of Fueling Crisis

Liberia: Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia Accuse Government ‘Rascals and Opportunists’ of Fueling Crisis

by lnn

Monrovia – It appears that things are falling apart within the Unity Party (UP) alliance with just a few months in power due to the manner and form in which President Joseph Nyuma Boakai and the vast majority of his appointed officials are steering the affairs of the country.

By Obediah Johnson, [email protected]

There exists a high level of dissatisfaction among executives of other political parties that supported the UP, as well as supporters and partisans, due to “one-sided” presidential appointments and delay by the government to find quick solutions to the sufferings and challenges citizens are encountering due to lack of job opportunities and declining economy.

One of the main political parties that supported the UP and seems to be very uneven with the way the dice is turning around the governance process is the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL).

The party is headed by young Emmanuel Gonquoi. 

In a statement released on his official Facebook page on Wednesday, October 16, Gonquoi stated that despite the EFFL’s best efforts to support the Boakai-Koung administration, “some economic opportunists within the government are pushing us toward a crisis.”

He noted that it is no secret that in every conversation he (Gonquoi) held with President Boakai, his focus was not on himself but on Liberians, especially the young crusaders who stood with the party throughout this journey.

According to him, the EFFL has negotiated and prevented countless job-related protests. 

But to those without a human heart, he added that, it seems that the EFFL should simply relax and allow “our people to cry,” noting that, “this notion is akin to asking the Lion King to become a deer—it’s impossible.”

Gonquoi maintained that the EFFL refused to play politics with the future of the Liberians and would not compromise its fundamental values.

“We are awaiting your signal, Mr. President! As a progressive party, we do not serve any other client but the people. If those who directly benefited from the struggles believe that they have “arrived,” let it be known that the EFFL is far from arriving. If fighting for the young people and marginalized groups who supported the Rescue Mission is now a crime, then I am prepared to commit that crime every single day.”

“Mr. President, we are eagerly awaiting your return so that we may further discuss our growing concerns with some of your appointed officials. It’s now getting at the crisis point and we are prepared for the War if need be! 

We struggle not for ourselves but rather, for our people.”

Gonguoi recounted how he was previously appointed as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Labor by President Boakai, but he (Gonquoi) made a “deliberate choice” to renegotiate with the President and asked him to appoint his party chairman to the position.

“I did so for two reasons: first, to demonstrate that as a leader, it is essential to stand by your followers; and second, to make it clear that our nine-year struggle alongside President Boakai was never about seeking personal luxury.”

Gonquoi added that a few weeks after negotiating for his party chairman to be appointed to the position, President Boakai appointed him to the Assets Recovery Code Team. 

“I humbly served, taking some bold and radical steps to strengthen our fight against corruption. However, amidst these efforts, we encountered serious contradictions internally, and I chose to step down from the Assets Recovery team because we were not archiving our objectives.”

He maintained that his decision to resign remains justified and true to the EFFL’s progressive orientation. 

Plea to halt protests

Gonquoi further recalled that when he stepped down from the Assets Recovery team, President Boakai personally advised and urged the EFFL, during one of their regular one-on-one meetings, to avoid taking hasty, radical actions and to instead focus on short-term solutions to the pressing challenges facing our people and country. 

According to him, the Liberian leader was clear that the EFFL’s role in government should be to consolidate the gains made and foster a peaceful governance environment. 

“Moreover, the President requested that when the EFFL faces provocations from his officials, we should consult with him before taking any action. I respect the President’s role in my life; he has been a fatherly figure to me for many years, offering advice that has often shaped my leadership for the better. For this, I remain ever grateful.”

Just future for the poor

Gonquoi maintained that this struggle has never been about his personal comfort or seeking luxury, but however, there are economic rascals and opportunists in government who do not see this.

“It is about securing a just future for the poor and marginalized, who see their voices reflected in us.”

According to him, the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia has always approached issues from a distinct, principled perspective, and as such, he will never compromise its identity to accommodate those who undermine these values.

“Let me be unequivocal: we did not support the President for the sake of the EFFL and myself to be disrespected by any government official or officials. The Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL) are a crucial part of the Unity Party Alliance, making us a governing partner.”

Gonquoi continued: “The fact that certain economic rascals fail to comprehend this basic political principle is not just disappointing, it is heartbreaking.”

“We will do nothing to betray their trust.

To think that our willingness to lower our guns and engage in dialogue that seeks to better the material condition of our people implies that we are willing to accept actions that undermine our core values is not only disheartening, it is a grave disrespect to the sacrifices our people have made.”

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