Home » Liberia: House Begins Three-Day ‘Legislative Reform Forum’ as Rep. Foko Boycotts

Liberia: House Begins Three-Day ‘Legislative Reform Forum’ as Rep. Foko Boycotts

by lnn

The House is holding its “reform forum” a week after the Senate’s retreat in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

Farmington, Margibi – Members of the House of Representatives have commenced a three-day Reform Forum aimed at discussing methods of implementing legislative reforms. The House, in partnership with the European Union, Sweden Sverige, Irish Aid, UNDP, and UN Women, is conducting this Legislative Reform Forum under the theme: “Responsive Lawmaking, Proactive Oversight, and People-Centered Representation.”

Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa expressed gratitude to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other partners for their substantial support. “We remain grateful to the UNDP for its unwavering partnership and assistance,” Speaker Koffa stated. He described the support of UNDP and other partners as crucial in making the forum a success.

Speaker Koffa revealed that the total cost incurred by the House for the Legislative Reform Forum was US$16,062.50. According to him, this amount covers the secretariat, facilitators, media, and daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for members over the three-day event held at the Farmington Hotel in Lower Margibi County. According to the House Press Bureau, the financial contribution from the House ensured the smooth operation of key components essential for the success of the event. Additionally, the accommodation and feeding expenses were covered by partner organizations, alleviating a significant portion of the overall cost.

The House will publish a full financial report after the forum and will also brief the public on its outcomes. Speaker Koffa reiterated that under his leadership, the House will continue to uphold the principles of openness and transparency as members discharge their constitutional responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Rep. Frank Saah Foko, Jr. (District #9, Montserrado County) has called for a boycott of the retreat. Rep. Foko initially supported the idea of holding a retreat after he was informed that it would be sponsored by foreign partners and not by the government. “For the record, using a significant amount of public funds on a retreat is not justifiable, and I hereby abstain from this process, especially at a time when the lives of our people are becoming deplorable,” he said.

“At this time in our country, our people are more concerned about basic social services than a retreat. The Liberian people are more ambitious about resuscitating the already crumbling Liberian economy. The voices of our people are more paramount than a retreat.”

The House is holding its “reform forum” a week after the Senate’s retreat in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. Conflicting accounts on how much was spent have sparked criticisms, with critics accusing the Senate of wasteful spending.

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