Home » Liberia: House of Representatives Summons Health Minister Dr. Kpoto Over Ongoing Go-Slow by Healthcare Workers in Lofa

Liberia: House of Representatives Summons Health Minister Dr. Kpoto Over Ongoing Go-Slow by Healthcare Workers in Lofa

by lnn

The plenary of the House of Representatives unanimously agreed to invite Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto to appear before it to explain how the situation can be resolved.

Monrovia —The plenary of the House of Representatives has summoned Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto over her alleged refusal to address the sustained go-slow by healthcare workers in Lofa County, protesting the appointment of Dr. Raphael Ombeni Shamavu as County Health Officer.

By: Yawah Y. Jaivey, contributing writer

On Monday, more than 400 aggrieved healthcare workers, including nurses, registrars, dispensers, laboratory technicians, and cleaners, shut down 51 clinics and five health centers across Lofa County. The county’s four major hospitals remained open with skeleton staff to handle emergency cases.

The healthcare workers, represented by their spokesman Dorfelson Jayguhwaiyan, informed FrontPage Africa that the go-slow was in response to Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto’s refusal to revoke Dr. Raphael Ombeni Shamavu’s appointment, which they have vehemently resisted and challenged.

The situation has now attracted the attention of Representative Augustine B. Chiewolo (District #5, Lofa County). In a communication addressed to House Speaker Hon. Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa on Tuesday, he requested the plenary to summon the Health Minister to appear on Thursday, June 27, 2024, to explain the current state of affairs in Lofa County’s health sector.

“Aggrieved health workers in Lofa County are currently on strike while citizens (patients) are left vulnerable without medical care. The health workers are protesting the appointment of County Health Officer Dr. Raphael O. Shamavu, creating unrest among health workers in the county,” Rep. Chiewolo stated in his communication.

Rep. Chiewolo asserted that the situation in the county will escalate if not carefully handled, as healthcare workers in most major health facilities are currently on go-slow action, necessitating immediate attention.

The Lofa County District #5 lawmaker, who is also a member of the House’s committee on health, reminded his colleagues that since the nomination of Dr. Raphael almost two months ago, most healthcare workers in Lofa County have rejected his it due to his alleged poor working relationship with fellow health workers over the past 6 to 12 years when he served as Medical Director at Kolahun Hospital.

Rep. Chiewolo noted that the aggrieved healthcare workers in Lofa County expressed willingness to work with any other doctor but not Dr. Raphael.

The plenary of the House of Representatives unanimously agreed to invite Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto to appear before it to explain how the situation can be resolved.

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