Home » Liberia: LDEA Officer-In-Charge Inspires Disadvantaged Youths Admitted At Rehabilitation Centers

Liberia: LDEA Officer-In-Charge Inspires Disadvantaged Youths Admitted At Rehabilitation Centers

by lnn

LDEA Officer-In-Charge Mr. Christopher Peters (in gray shirt) presents the items to Augustine J. Nagbe alias General Power as others look on

Monrovia – The Officer-In-Charge of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) Christopher Peters has challenged disadvantaged youths and drug addicts seeking medical treatment and counseling at various rehabilitation centers across the country to remain hopeful and avoid quitting and absconding from these centers if they must have a brighter future and contribute towards the rebuilding process of the country.

By Obediah Johnson

According to him, many disadvantaged youths and drug addicts in the streets are yielding for an opportunity to be admitted into rehabilitation centers, and as such, those who are already there should not misuse the opportunity accorded them.

He made these assertions when the LDEA donated several bags of rice and water to four rehabilitations centers in Monrovia, Bushrod Island and Paynesville respectively.

The centers that benefitted from the donation include: National Rehabilitation for Drugs and War Affected Persons, Destiny Recovery Programme, Journey Against Violence, and Center for Rehabilitation and Reintegration.

Mr. Peters noted that disadvantaged youths and drug addicts can have a better future if they remain committed to the psycho-social counseling, training and treatment they are currently receiving at those rehabilitation centers.

“We are here to talk to you to not give up. Some of your friends out there are opting for home like this to be in; they have not had the opportunity like you. You are already here and your duty is to make sure that you succeed to become the person you want to be tomorrow. Don’t give up; there is a lot ahead of you.”

Mr. Peters maintained that relatives, friends, loved ones and others would be proud of disadvantaged youths who are addicted to drugs upon their rehabilitation and reintegration into their various communities.

He stressed that they would also be helpful and prepared to contribute to the rebuilding process of the country.

“Many of you here today can become Presidents, carpenters, doctors, or LDEA Directors or agents. So, we are excited that you are here going through the rehabilitation process. We want to encourage you-do not give up. You can make yourselves and families, mothers and fathers proud again to still call you their son or daughter. Hold on and reclaim your destiny.”

He stated that rehabilitated youths should pay keen attention to their studies and trainings at these centers in a bid to return to their communities, colleges and high schools with proud and dignity.

Mr. Peters maintained that family members and friends of these youths at rehab centers will be excited to receive and embrace them following their full completion of detoxification and acquiring of various life changing skills to guarantee their future.

He said the prolong stay in the streets of disadvantaged youths that are undergoing rehabilitation only made them to be stigmatized and condemned by many in the society, adding that, they must now keep focus to their rehabilitation process in order to use their talents and skills acquire to make a change in the society.

“There is nothing in the streets; you already experienced it and it didn’t help you. You can use your talents as your strength to move forward and succeed. Today, we are here as part of the celebration of the International Day Against Drugs, to identify with you.”

He, however, used the occasion to disclose that government is assiduously working with its partners to ensure the construction of more rehabilitation centers across the country.

He pointed out that the new approach of the government in combating drug trafficking and trading in Liberia is not to arrest the users of the dangerous substances, but to inform their minds to disengage from the unwholesome act.

Mr. Peters emphasized that a whole generation of Liberia would be wiped away if focus is not given to the rehabilitation and training of young people who are addicted to drugs.

For their part, the beneficiaries commended the LDEA for the gesture.

Augustine J. Nagbe alias General Power decried the lack of support from government and others.

He said for years now, the center, which hosts hundreds of drug addicts and disadvantaged youths, have been single-handedly supported by him along with few other government officials whose children are also admitted there.

He pointed out that many eminent citizens have been knocking at his doors to help rehabilitate their relatives and loved ones-a task he remains committed to.

Mr. Nagbe disclosed that as part of efforts to guarantee the health condition of those going through rehabilitation, he commenced the construction of a 14-bedroom hospital at the center.

“I don’t want to even do different work besides this work. I been rescuing people children, but I don’t like to blow my own trumpet. But one day, God will make people to see what I’m doing here and they will come to my rescue. Government officials been bringing their children here behind cameras; in the night, Senators and Ministers can bring their children here. They can get problem before they come.

He called for death penalty for those trafficking drugs in Liberia.

“I see people coming here crying for their children; more than 50 people in America are calling me every day because their children are here.”

Meanwhile, the beneficiaries of the LDEA donation are calling on the government to pay more attention to the rehabilitation of its youthful population, especially those addicted to drug and substance abuse.

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