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Sad!!! Mother of 17-Year-Old Killed by Police Shares Heartbreaking Story with FrontPageAfrica

by lnn

Mayama Kamara expressed her deep grief over the loss of her son, whom she described as the pillar of her strength.

Paynesville City – Mayama Kamara, the mother of 17-year-old James Kandy, publicly known as ‘Baby J,’ who was shot and killed by PSU officer Ismael Trawally in the Rehab Community, described her son as her ‘benefit child.’ She is urging the government to ensure the family receives fair justice.

By Jaheim T. Tumu, [email protected]

James, a 9th-grade student at Kendeja Public School, was killed on July 1, 2024, when Officer Trawally discharged his firearm. He and another officer were attempting to arrest a suspect, allegedly involved in an altercation with businessman Mawolo Jallah on King Buju Avenue.

Eyewitnesses reported that both officers went to arrest the suspect, who was near a ghetto, but not conducting a drug raid.

Preliminary investigations by the police indicate that Officer Trawally was responding to a violent situation involving threats against a community resident by individuals suspected of drug trafficking. The LNP has launched a comprehensive investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident, stating that Trawally’s discharge of his firearm, which led to James’s death, was “unintended.”

A mother’s grief

Speaking to journalists, Mayama Kamara expressed her deep grief over the loss of her son, whom she described as the pillar of her strength. She explained that James was disciplined and had no issues with the community.

Recounting the events of the day, she said her son had asked to cook for his classmates before they went to school. Later, James informed her about a noisy zinc roof that needed fixing. Although it was late, he insisted on addressing it to avoid disturbances at night.

“It was right there [he was shot]. He took the shovel and the plastic, and he was putting the sand in the plastic to cover the roof of the house,” Madam Kamara recounted. “That’s when they shot him. The shooter fired from the avenue. All my son said was, ‘I am dying.’ My benefit child did not have a problem with anybody. He was my everything,” she said as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Mayama, who is appealing for justice for her family, said her son had built their house without assistance from any man. She explained that they sold items like bitter balls, plantain chips, and coal to sustain the family of five. James would sell minutes (to recharge) on the avenue to help them survive.

Eyewitnesses’ accounts

Eyewitnesses recounted that Officer Trawally, on the orders of Mawolo Jallah, went to arrest two individuals after a heated exchange. The suspects were around the ghetto, and the PSU was there to execute the arrest, not for a drug raid. The officers attempted to place the suspects in Jallah’s car, but friends of the suspects argued that they should not ride in the complainant’s vehicle, leading to a verbal altercation. Angered, the PSU pursued the friends, and Officer Trawally began shooting.

Two shots were fired, one of which struck James, causing him to fall instantly. He was taken to ELWA Hospital by Liberian musician Jonathan Koffa, alias Takun J., where he was pronounced dead.

An eyewitness who lived a block away described James as a sweet boy who was always helping his mother. “He was her backbone and her everything,” the eyewitness said.

Another eyewitness alleged that Officer Trawally, after an altercation, threatened to kill someone. It is suspected that businessman Jallah might have bribed the officers, which is why they insisted on putting the suspects in Jallah’s vehicle.

Prince Ajayi, chairman of the ELWA Rehab Community, stated that they will ensure the police provide justice for the family. He noted that while the police are cooperating with the investigation, they failed to deliver promised items to the family’s home.

Businessman Mawolo Jallah reportedly escaped with his family after an angry crowd threatened to burn his house. Police intervention prevented the attack.

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