Home » Liberia: U.S.-Based Liberian Humanitarian Organization Donates Food and Non-Food Items to Returnees from Ghana

Liberia: U.S.-Based Liberian Humanitarian Organization Donates Food and Non-Food Items to Returnees from Ghana

by lnn

The group’s donation includes 82 bags of 25kg of rice and 10 gallons of hand sanitizer.

Gbarnga – A U.S.-based Liberian not-for-profit organization, Liberian Nurses Association—DFW Texas, has made separate donations of rice and sanitary materials to Liberian returnees of Ghana. 

The group’s donation includes 82 bags of 25kg of rice and 10 gallons of hand sanitizer. 

Earlier on donating on behalf of the group on June 19, Mr. Dominic W. Rennie on behalf of the Liberian Nurses Association of Texas, USA, made the presentation of 50 bags of rice and five 5 gallons of hand sanitizer on behalf of the organization’s president, Mrs. Carolyn Woahloe and her team from the USA. 

Receiving the items on behalf of the Liberian returnees, Madam Kulbah N. Dumoe, Bong County, LRRRC Program Manager, expressed gratitude for the donations. She, however, promised to use the items for the intended purpose. 

At the same time, the Liberian Nurses Association-DFW Texas made the second donation including 32 bags of rice and 5 gallons of hand sanitizer to the Liberian returnees from Ghana currently resettled in Johnsonville, Montserrado County by the DRC.

The donated items were received by Mr. Jerry G. Kwenah, LRRRC Regional Director, of Montserrado and Margibi counties.

According to Mr. Rennie, the donations made to the Liberian returnees is part of the Liberian Nurses Association of Texas, USA, humanitarian intervention in the social welfare and health sectors of Liberia that was launched in 2014. 

“This is all part of what the LNA-DFW stands for, giving hope and saving lives through healthcare in Liberia under the theme: “ONE PERSON, ONE COMMUNITY

ONE HOSPITAL at A Time”. Mr. Rennie said. 

Mr. Rennie, however, expressed appreciation to the leadership and members of the Liberian Nurses Association of Texas for their individual and group contributions toward the humanitarian gestures.

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