Home » NGOs Back Massaquoi’s Appointment to WECC | News

NGOs Back Massaquoi’s Appointment to WECC | News

by lnn

— As Liberia gears up for War and Economic Crimes Court

Liberia is inching closer to a long-awaited reckoning with its brutal past. Dozens of civil society organizations, under the banner of the Liberia NGOs Network (LINNK) and the Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND), have thrown their weight behind the appointment of Cllr. Jonathan Massaquoi as Executive Director of the newly established Office of War and Economic Crimes Court.

This move comes after decades of grappling with the aftermath of a devastating civil war (1989-2003) that claimed an estimated 250,000 lives. The war was marked by atrocities including mass executions, rape, and child soldiery.

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

The press release highlights the sense of frustration felt by many Liberians. Despite a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) established in 2005, no war crimes trials have materialized. Successive governments have been criticized for failing to hold perpetrators accountable, fostering a culture of impunity.

The economic toll of the war has been equally devastating. The press release cites estimates of $100-$150 billion in lost revenue and infrastructure damage. Years of fighting led to rampant corruption and a decline in living standards, disproportionately impacting youth unemployment.

A Beacon of Hope

President Joseph N. Boakai’s recent executive order establishing the War and Economic Crimes Court is seen as a turning point. The appointment of Cllr. Massaquoi is a crucial step towards operationalizing the court.

The press release details the legal basis for the court, citing the TRC’s recommendations and Liberia’s international obligations under humanitarian law. It emphasizes the need to hold those “bearing the greatest responsibility for heinous crimes” accountable.

Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

The road ahead is expected to face challenges such as gathering of evidence after so many years. The press release acknowledges concerns about potential witness intimidation and the need to address the emotional trauma of survivors.

However, the civil society organizations remain optimistic. They believe the court can serve as a catalyst for national healing and economic progress. By addressing impunity and fostering accountability, Liberia can create a more stable and just future for all its citizens.

The appointment of Cllr. Massaquoi is a significant development, but it’s only the beginning. The success of the War and Economic Crimes Court will depend on securing international cooperation, ensuring a fair and transparent judicial process, and upholding the rule of law.


Those endorsing the appointment of Cllr. Massaquoi to the Office of the War and Economic Crimes Court for Liberia include: Mulbah K. Morlu Chairman,Solidarity & Trust for a New Day (STAND); K. Veronica Slorboh, Gender Coordinator, Liberia NGOs Network (LINNK); Beatrice Togba Wuo, Program Coordinator, LINNK; Rosetta B. Choloplay, Secretary General, LINNK; Mack D. Flomo, National Director, Global Justice Peace & Human Rights Advocacy Network (GJPHRAN); Amb Konah K.R. Gaytee, Global Advancement for Refugees, Migrants and Stateless Persons Incorporated (GARMS); and Stephen B. Norman, National Chairman/Executive Director, LINNK.

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