Home » U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Rodriguez Highlights Strong Liberia-U.S. Partnership | News

U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Rodriguez Highlights Strong Liberia-U.S. Partnership | News

by lnn

— Celebrates 248th Independence Day in Monrovia

In a heartfelt celebration marking the 248th anniversary of the United States’ independence, Chargé d’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez delivered a speech emphasizing the enduring friendship and strategic partnership between the U.S. and Liberia. 

She acknowledged the deep historical ties between the U.S. and Liberia, dating back to 1822 when the first African Americans settled in Liberia.

“Today, we gather to celebrate the founding of the United States, 248 years ago with the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776,” Rodriguez said. “Our countries share an extraordinary history, and it is a unique opportunity to celebrate the birth of our nation in Monrovia, a city named after our fifth president.”

The event, held in Monrovia, brought together dignitaries, including the Speaker of the 55th National Legislature J. Fonati Koffa, embassy staff, Senate Pro-Tempore Madam Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence and guests to commemorate the historic occasion of the government and people of the United States.

Rodriguez began by expressing gratitude to the organizers, including Jenny, Tyler, Brian, and Russell, as well as the Marines, jazz band, Mamba Point for catering, and the Ministerial Complex for hosting the event.

Rodriguez reflected on the principles that define America, highlighting the nation’s diversity and commitment to democracy. She quoted the Declaration of Independence, emphasizing the foundational belief in equality and unalienable rights.

“America is an idea. It is also a melting pot of people from every country around the world,” Rodriguez stated. “We are bound together by a national constitution which lays out the principles and rights that every citizen enjoys.”

She acknowledged the historical struggles and progress made in the U.S., from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, and the ongoing journey toward a “more perfect union.”

“No country can have a perfect union of its people, but democracy gives us the tools to make progress towards that goal,” she noted.

Rodriguez emphasized the deep cultural and historical ties between the U.S. and Liberia, acknowledging Liberia’s recent achievements in democracy, such as the peaceful transfer of power after free and fair elections.

“Liberia is moving forward to address corruption, institute accountability, improve education, and foster economic development,” Rodriguez said. “We stand as a strategic partner for Liberia in its effort to form its own more perfect union for all its people.”

Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the Liberian hosts for their hospitality, Rodriguez called on Americans to feel pride in their nation and a renewed sense of purpose in supporting peace and democracy worldwide.

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai also extended congratulations to the United States on its 248th Independence anniversary. “I take much pride in conveying warm and special greetings and congratulations to the founders and people of our traditional ally and friends,” he said.

Boakai emphasized the long-standing relationship between the two nations, expressing commitment to further deepening and strengthening this partnership. “From the day of the ushering in of my administration, it came to being as a golden opportunity for the opening of a new and clean chapter in our relationship,” he stated.

He pledged to lead by example, ensuring that the partnership brings tangible benefits to both nations. “We pledge to lead by example and ensure that the products of our partnership bring relief and satisfaction to all who have invested in it,” Boakai concluded.

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